Helping women heal, inside and out.
Adrenaline Addicts Anonymous
12-step organization of people recovering from the use of adrenaline as an addictive drug.
Adult Children of Alc. & Dysfunctional Families
A 12-step spiritual program to help adults raised in families where chemical dependency, mental illness or generalized dysfunction was present; Includes adults raised in homes of dysfunction, without the presence of alcohol or drugs.
Al-Anon and Al-Ateen
Al-Anon helps families and friends of alcoholics recover from the effects of living with the problem drinking of a relative or friend. Similarly, Alateen is a recovery program for young people sponsored by Al-Anon members.
Alcoholics Anonymous
International fellowship of men and women who have had a drinking problem. It is nonprofessional, self-supporting, nondenominational, multiracial, apolitical, and available almost everywhere.
American Anorexia/Bulimia Association
American Association of Suicidology
American Council for Drug Education
A substance abuse prevention and education agency that develops programs and materials based on the most current scientific research on drug use and its impact on society.
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
Amnesty International
Amnesty International is a global movement of people fighting injustice and promoting human rights including sex worker’s rights and assistance, immigrants and refugees.
Center for Minority Veterans, VA
Child and Adolescent Bipolar Foundation
An organization offering support, advice, information and education about early-onset bipolar disorders.
Christian Recovery International
A coalition of ministries dedicated to helping the Christian community become a safe & helpful place for people recovering from addiction, abuse or trauma.
Clean People
A site dedicated to bringing together people in the recovering community.
A fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other so that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from their cocaine & other mind-altering substance addictions.
Co-Dependents Anonymous [email protected] Fellowship of men & women whose common purpose is to develop healthy relationships.
Crystal Meth Anonymous World Service
A 12-Step oriented fellowship of, by, and for crystal methamphetamine addicts seeking recovery.
Licensed by Map Quest, CyberSober boasts maps and door-to-door directions to over 200,000 twelve-step meetings in the U. S., seventy-two other countries, and more.
Department of Veterans Affairs Center for Women Veterans
Depressed Anonymous
Preventing depression through education & support groups that successfully keep individuals from relapsing into depression.
Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance
Dual Diagnosis Recovery Network
Offers assistance to develop self help support groups at the community level for both individuals who are affected by dual disorders and for members of their families.
Dual Recovery Anonymous
World Network Central Office, P.O. Box 8107, Prairie Village, Kansas, 66208.
Betty H., Director: 913/991-2703
Fellowship of men & women who meet to support each other in their common recovery from an emotional or psychiatric illness & chemical dependency.
The Dougy Center for Grieving Children
This center has a series of four books that many have found useful. These books can be ordered by calling 503-775-5683. The Dougy center also produces activity books and videos on grief for teachers, parents and children.
Eating Disorders and Prevention, Inc
Emotions Anonymous
12-step fellowship of people who come together for the purpose of working toward recovery from emotional difficulties
Facts on Tap – Alcohol and Your College Experience
Families Anonymous
Families Anonymous, Inc., 701 Lee St., Suite 670, Des Plaines, IL 6001
Tel US: 1–800-736-9805; Tel INT: 847-294-5877; Fax: 1-847-294-5837
Fellowship of family & friends concerned about a loved one’s current, suspected or past use of drugs, alcohol or related behavior problems, sharing experience, strength & hope.
Family Mental Health Institute
Florida Institute of Neurological Rehabilitation
The Florida Institute for Neurologic Rehabilitation, Inc. (FINR) is dedicated to excellence in the provision of rehabilitation, education and vocational services to both children and adult survivors of brain injury.
Food Addicts Anonymous
A fellowship of men and women who are willing to recover from the disease of food addiction by sharing experiences, strengths and hope with others.
The Forgotten Mom
A non-profit helping pregnant women.
Gam-Anon International Service Office, Inc., PO Box 307, Massapequa Park, NY 11762; Tel: 718-352-1671, Self-help organization for the spouse, family or close friends of compulsive gamblers.
Gamblers Anonymous
International Service Office, P.O. Box 17173, Los Angeles, CA 90017; Tel: 626-960-3500 Fan: 626-960-3501; [email protected] 1-800-ADMIT IT.
A fellowship of men and women who share their experiences, support one another in seeking solutions to their common problem and help one another to recover from a gambling problem.
General Mental Health Resources
Gift From Within
Gift from Within is a 501(c)(3) private, nonprofit organization dedicated to those who suffer post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), those at risk for PTSD, and those who care for traumatized individuals. Our philosophy is to rekindle hope and restore dignity to trauma survivors.
Manic Depressive Anonymous
Fellowship of people who share their experience, hope, strength, insights into living well, that they may solve common problems to support and help others into recovery.
Marijuana Anonymous
A fellowship of men and women who share the common goal of recovering from an addiction to marijuana by using the 12 Step method.
Mental Health America
Also see National Mental Health Association
Methadone support and recovery community.
Multicultural Health Handouts
This website provides health information in a variety of languages available for the following health topics: Food Guide Pyramid, Better Health Begins with You, Good Food for Kids, Better Nutrition for Mature Adults, Better Health for Mother and Baby, Diabetes.
Narcotics Anonymous
Narcotics Anonymous is an international, community-based association of recovering drug addicts with more than 43,900 weekly meetings in over 127 countries worldwide.
National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (NAMI)
A self-help, support and advocacy organization, with over 1,100 affiliate groups in all 50 states of the USA, and with over 140,000 members. Includes information sheets, listings, and a searchable database of mental health resources.
National Alliance for Research on Schizophrenia and Depression
National Center for Victims of Crime 1-800-GET HELP
Information, a hotline and referral for crisis counseling. Info is available on victims, crime, trauma, etc.
National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information
National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence
National Domestic Violence Hotline: (24-hr) 1-800-799-SAFE (7233)
National Drug Prevention League
National Eating Disorders Association
National Institute on Drug Abuse
National Institute on Drug Abuse
800-DRUGHELP is a 24/7 hotline for confidential answers to your questions or information about help in your community. Also check the website
National Institute of Mental Health
National Mental Health Association 1-800-969-6642
National Mental Health Association – Time for Reassurance
Advising that tragedies can naturally cause children and adults to feel confused, afraid, angry or powerless. And the site lists nationwide resources that can provide help.
National Sexual Assault hotline 1-800-656-4673
National Strategy for Suicide Prevention, SAMHSA
National Veterans Technical Assistance Center
National Women’s Health Information Center
National Women’s Health Resource Center
Nicotine Anonymous
Nicotine Anonymous is a Non-Profit 12 Step Fellowship of men and women helping each other live nicotine-free lives.
Narcotics Anonymous
Narcotics Anonymous is an international, community-based association of recovering drug addicts with more than 43,900 weekly meetings in over 127 countries worldwide.
National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (NAMI)
A self-help, support and advocacy organization, with over 1,100 affiliate groups in all 50 states of the USA, and with over 140,000 members. Includes information sheets, listings, and a searchable database of mental health resources.
National Alliance for Research on Schizophrenia and Depression
National Center for Victims of Crime 1-800-GET HELP
Information, a hotline and referral for crisis counseling. Info is available on victims, crime, trauma, etc.
National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information
National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence
National Domestic Violence Hotline: (24-hr) 1-800-799-SAFE (7233)
National Drug Prevention League
National Eating Disorders Association
National Institute on Drug Abuse
National Institute on Drug Abuse
800-DRUGHELP is a 24/7 hotline for confidential answers to your questions or information about help in your community. Also check the website
National Institute of Mental Health
National Mental Health Association 1-800-969-6642
National Mental Health Association – Time for Reassurance
Advising that tragedies can naturally cause children and adults to feel confused, afraid, angry or powerless. And the site lists nationwide resources that can provide help.
National Sexual Assault hotline 1-800-656-4673
National Women’s Health Information Center
National Women’s Health Resource Center
Nicotine Anonymous
Nicotine Anonymous is a Non-Profit 12 Step Fellowship of men and women helping each other live nicotine-free lives.
Obsessive-Compulsive Foundation
Overeaters Anonymous
This offers a program of recovery from compulsive overeating using the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of OA.
Post-Partum Depression Moms (also called PPDMoms)
Recoveries Anonymous
12-step program of recovery for anyone with a self-destructive or dysfunctional problem.
Recovering Couples Anonymous
Fellowship of recovering couples suffering from many different addictions who share their experiences, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problems and help other couples restore their relationships.
The Renfrew Center
A mental health center for women specializing in treating eating disorders, trauma, anxiety, depression and substance abuse.
Schizophrenia (Copyright © American Academy of Family Physicians) – This Web site provides information on schizophrenia, focusing on how it is treated and what the future holds for schizophrenia drug treatments.
Self Management and Recovery Training (S.M.A.R.T.)
S.M.A.R.T. is an abstinence-based self-help program to empower you to develop a more positive lifestyle without “alcoholic” or “addict” labe A fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other so they may overcome their sexual addiction and help others recover from sexual addiction or dependency.
Sexual Compulsives Anonymous
A 12 Step fellowship, inclusive of all sexual orientations, open to anyone with a desire to recover from sexual compulsion.
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Service Administration – SAMHSA
Many resources about substance abuse and combinations with mental illnesses.
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration Veterans and Military Families
Survivors of Incest Anonymous
Website intended to be a resource to survivors of child sexual abuse and a self-help group of women and men, 18 years or older, who are guided by a set of 12 Suggested Steps and 12 Traditions, along with some slogans and the Serenity Prayer. Our mission is to empower survivors of childhood sexual abuse and to help them thrive.
The Trauma Information Pages
A huge portal with info for emotional trauma and traumatic stress, whether following individual experiences or a large-scale disaster. Browse through a directory or search with keywords.
United States Department of Labor
U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
Women’s Mental Health
The National Institute of Mental Health reports that 1 in 4 U.S. adults has a mental disorder. With the high number of people affected by mental illness, a number of organizations are trying to spread the word about this serious problem. You will find many resources that lead you to information on a variety of mental health topics.
Resources Specifically for Military/Veteran Women
VA’s Women Veterans Hotline at 1-855-VA-WOMEN, the VA’s Crisis Line at 1-800-273-8255, or the
Veterans Health Administrations Handbook, which references all care available to women at VA.
What to do if you have a complaint about your V.A. health care:
Contact the WVPM or Patient Advocate at your nearest VA facility (found online at During normal business hours, you can contact VHA Women’s Health Services at 202-461-0373; or VA’s Center for Women Veterans at 202-461-6193.
Disability Administration for Veterans
National Headquarters, 3725 Alexandria Pike Cold Spring, KY 41076, Tel: 859-441-7300, Fax 859-441-1416, Toll Free 877-426-2838, September 24, 2014, DAV released a landmark study; Women Veterans: The Long Journey Home. The report provides a comprehensive assessment of existing federal services available for women veteran
Resources from Committee on Women Vets
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
Veterans Benefits Administration
VA Women Veterans Call Center Information:
VA Women Veterans Health Care Program FAQs:
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